Making your home safer when using Canes, Crutches, and Walkers

Making Your Home Safer for Canes, Crutches, and Walkers - Triton Medical - Lady Lake, Villages, Florida

Using crutches, a cane, or a walker can help keep your weight off your injured or weak leg, assist with balance, and enable you to perform your daily activities more safely. In the beginning, everything you do may seem more difficult. With just a few tips and a little practice, though, most people are able to quickly gain confidence and learn how to use a walking aid safely.

Making your home safer

Making some simple safety modifications to your home can help prevent slips and falls when using your walking aid:

  • Remove throw rugs, electrical cords, food spills, and anything else that may cause you to fall.
  • Watch out for pets running into your path.
  • Arrange furniture so that you have a clear pathway between rooms.
  • Keep stairs clear of packages, boxes, or clutter.
  • Walk only in well-lit rooms and install a nightlight along the route between your bedroom and the bathroom.
  • In the bathroom, use nonslip bath mats, grab bars, a raised toilet seat, and a shower tub seat.
  • Simplify your household to keep the items you need within easy reach and everything else out of the way.
  • Carry things hands-free by using a backpack, fanny pack, or an apron with pockets.

Mobility aids

Mobility aids help you walk or move from place to place if you are disabled or have an injury. They include

  • Crutches
  • Canes
  • Walkers
  • Wheelchairs
  • Power scooters

A cane can be helpful if you have minor problems with balance or stability, some weakness in your leg or trunk, an injury, or a pain. If you are elderly, using a single point cane may help you to walk more comfortably and safely and, in some cases, may make it easier for you to continue living independently.

You may need a walker or cane if you are at risk of falling. If you need to keep your body weight off your foot, ankle or knee, you may need crutches.

You may need a wheelchair or a power scooter if an injury or disease has left you unable to walk.

Choosing these devices takes time and research. You should be fitted for crutches, canes and walkers. If they fit, these devices give you support, but if they don’t fit, they can be uncomfortable and unsafe.

Triton Medical Retail offers a wide variety of mobility aids including power mobility chairs and bathroom safety devices. Be sure to understand your doctor’s recommendations and visit our store in Lady Lake, the Villages to browse our selections!

Triton Medical Retail offers a wide variety of mobility aids including power mobility chairs and bathroom safety devices.